A Little More About Changes
Last week I mentioned there would be changes to a few things in the works. This blog is one of them. It’s a simple change, and one that few will notice. I’m simply changing the day I post the blog. Since I started writing about my journey as a writer, I’ve usually posted on Saturdays. Lately, it’s been harder to reach that deadline because of my full-time job. Wednesdays work better for me because I’m always off on Wednesday and Thursday. So, there’s that.
The next change is a welcome addition. I’ve hired a PA to help me with promotions. My good friend, Jana, has agreed to post teasers and promos two or three times a week in reader groups and blogger’s pages in my stead. With a full-time job and several editing jobs lined up, I barely have time to myself to write. The thought of promoting leaves me exhausted. It’s also a weak excuse as to why I haven’t put out a newsletter this month.
I guess this is my way of saying that I really can’t do it all, as much as I would like to. Wonder Woman is tired these days and has acknowledged she could use some help. Once I get Jana situated, it’s back to Phoenix Rising. I’m almost done with the first pass. I’m still cringing over the mess I found in there, but at the same time, I feel good about finally getting around to doing it.
Until next week,