In a few weeks, The Awakening of Amelia goes to the editor. While waiting to wrap that one up, I started working on Fated Journey. This...

The New Normal
We're living in scary times. Those who aren’t considered "essential workers" are urged to stay at home. "Self-quarantine" and "social...

Reclaiming my Life
I feel like it’s been forever since I sat down to write a blog. The last week of October 2019 my world took a dive (literally) and I’m...

Becoming more . . .
Happy New Year! 2020 has begun, a clean slate to fill with new purpose. While I personally don’t have any big plans for the new year, I...

Tis the Season
Yesterday, FJ Roberts came over so we could work on a presentation we’re doing for the Jambalaya Writers Conference in March. As I was...

Making a bad situation work for you . . .
My mother used to tell me that when I thought things were at their worst, look around. There was always someone suffering more than you....

Knee-deep in words
Time is flying. Sometimes you have to grab at it to slow down a little. School has started. My granddaughter is in Jr. High. How did that...

In the background, but still around . . .
The past few months I've been practically off the social media grid. I've still checked in, posting occasionally, but I haven't really...

A Storm . . . Few Setbacks
It’s been a month since my last blog. I’m not slacking. I just haven’t had anything to write about. All my free time has been spent...

Lazy Days
Ever have one of those days when you just don’t want to do anything? Today was one of those. To be honest, my first day off from a...